
My favorite things and my life

Japan gives green light to liquid baby formula sales

Thursday, August 9, 2018


At first I thought, what does green light mean ? It means, to allow a project, plan etc to begin. It might be related to a traffic light. That shows cars or people they can go forward.

When the great earthquake of Kumamoto happened, at opportunity that a Finnish company offered liquid baby formula as emergency aid, the production and sale of liquid baby formula were approved in Japan on Wednesday. In fact, it seems to be a long way off that liquid baby formula is distributed, I hope that is done as soon as possible because of an emergency food for babies.


 まず、green lightって何?と思い調べてみたら、許可とか容認という意味なんですね。道路信号の色と関係があるのかな。信号の青(緑)も通るのを許可しますということですものね。

