
My favorite things and my life

Have you done anything fun lately?

Friday, June 29, 2018

 [ This is a review of the English lesson at the culture center. I write about my daily life by conversation with  imaginary friend Redfish.]


Bluefish: Yeah, I went to see the Circue-du-Soleil show in May. Have you ever seen it?

Redfish: No,I haven't. But I've heard it is a amazing show. How was it?

Bluefish: It was really good! They had  incredible body to perform which it was human being body difficult to believe. I was really impressed by that. Also music and stage settings were creative, then  they wore very beautiful and interesting costumes.

Redfish: Did they? I pretty like to see beautiful ballet costumes or musical costumes.

Bluefish: Do you? You must like Circue-du-Soleil shows. By the way, there is a Japanese woman among the performers.

Redfish: Really? The Japanese people came to play an active part in various fields recently.

Bluefish: That't right. I feel a glow of pride as a same Japanese.

Redfish: I go to see it  by all means.






Bluefish: 5月にシルク・ド・ソレイユのショーを見に行ったよ!見に行ったことある?

Redfish: まだ見たことないの。でも素晴らしいショーだと聞いたことがあるよ。どうだった?

Bluefish: 本当によかったよ!人間の体とは思えない動きが彼らには出来るんだ。それがとても感動的だった。そして音楽や舞台装置も独創性があるし、衣装がとっても面白くて綺麗なの。

Redfish: そうなの?私、バレエとかミュージカルとか衣装が綺麗な舞台を見る事が大好きなんだ。

Bluefish: えーそうなの?じゃあ、シルク・ド・ソレイユも絶対に好きだと思うよ。それから、演者の中には日本人もいたよ。

Redfish: ほんと?最近は日本人もいろんな事で活躍しているよね。

Bluefish: そうだね。同じ日本人として誇らしいよね。

Redfish: 私、ぜひ見に行くよ!