
My favorite things and my life

Eye Brow Pencil


H=My husband




H: My eyebrows are turning gray and these are cut beautifully at a barber.
So these are problem and look bald.


M: Well then, why don't you draw your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil? I know almost all kabuki actors cut their eyebrows all. So usually it seems they draw eyebrows.


H: Sure. That’s right!


M: Here you are. Try it! (I hand an eyebrows pencil to him.)


My husband is drawing his eyebrows. And…


M: It's very good! I think it looks good on you. You are good at it.


H: I see. I think so too.


M: I give it to you. Therefore you should do it everyday.


 For this reason, drawing eyebrows was added to his daily work anew.



夫: 最近、眉毛が白髪になってきてしかも理容院で綺麗にカットしてくれるから眉毛が薄くて困ってるんだ。


私: じゃあ、アイブロウペンシルで眉毛を書けば!?歌舞伎役者は皆んな白塗り化粧するから眉毛をツルツルに剃っているんだって。だから普段は描いているらしいよ。


夫: 知ってる。そうなんだよね!


私: 描いてみなよ!はい。(アイブロウペンシルを手渡す)




私: いいじゃない!すごく似合ってる。上手だよ。




私: じゃあ、そのアイブロウペンシルはプレゼントするから、明日から毎日描いてね。

